Recently I have become fed up with my boxee box. The lag is starting to get old, and it seems to have trouble streaming large (13GB) files across my network. Boxee was good at sporting every file type under the sun, great for live TV, and great for streaming online shows. It just didn’t have the horse power to do all that smoothly. I wasn’t impressed when the boxee box 2 came out last month and seemed to be morphed into more of an online streaming box.
I needed to step up my game and decided to put together this guy.
I started with an old RRODÂ Xbox, replaced the guts and installed a modern PC.
Asus H77 mini-ITX MOBO
Intel i3-3220T (35W) CPU
Intel 330 series 60GB SSD
4GB of memory
150W power supply
Windows 8
XBMC 12.2